January 2025
A Heartfelt Thank You – The ROCK – January 2025 – Rev. Logan Landes
What a joy it is to be a part of the Church! By the grace of God and by the loving salvific works of Jesus Christ, each of us has been gifted membership in the family of God and are rightly and blessedly called Children of the Heavenly Father. This blessing continues as we each consider what a joy it is to be a part of this congregation, Saint Peter’s Lutheran Church of Middleburg, Florida.
This congregation is so obviously a congregation of love and fellowship. One does not need to look far to see Christians in this congregation loving one another, serving one another, and cherishing one another. In doing such godly things, we also love our Lord, serve our Lord, and cherish our Lord.
I speak from the heart when I speak for my family and for myself. We are so blessed and so happy to be a part of Saint Peter’s Lutheran Church. I am privileged to serve this congregation and to love this congregation. We are so grateful for the love and care this congregation shows us! Thank you very much for all the kindness you show my family and for all the kindness you show me. Thank you for the encouraging words, the helpful deeds, the thoughts and prayers, and the Christian love and forgiveness you show me. Thank you for the kind and generous gifts you gave me for both Pastor Appreciation Month and for Christmas. I think I can speak for the staff as well, that we are very grateful to work here and for the generosity and love you show to us.
In this New Year, let us continue to walk together in Christian love and in repentance, forgiving one another, encouraging one another, and caring for one another. Let us continue to gather around Christ and His Word and Sacraments, faithfully confessing His Name with the promise of eternal life for His sake.
I could write on and on about how grateful I am to serve this congregation, but for the sake of length and at risk of repeating myself, let me wrap this message up with a few simple words,
Thank you!
And God bless you!
In His blessed Name,
Rev. Logan Landes